At Vios, we believe that managing money is a personal business. Our focus is on managing the assets our clients entrust to us. Our best is achieved when each portfolio is built with the individual client’s needs and goals at the forefront. Our clients are not account numbers, but real people we work closely with. Therefore, in order to provide an exceptional level of service, we have a minimum account size. Read More on Relational →
While our clients come from diverse personal and professional backgrounds, they share a common desire to have direct access to an analytical manager who not only understands their goals and risk tolerance but also who can effectively navigate through complex markets on their behalf. Read More on Difference →
We clearly describe our fees, along with how and when they are charged. We do not sell insurance, financial or estate plans, accounting or other services. However, we recognize that many of those services are important, and we offer to informally discuss these topics with clients, as well as provide referrals to professionals when requested. Read More on Our Clients →